Observing carefully, seat, armrests and backrest seem almost like petals, while the thin legs remind of long stems: like a precious origami.
Paper is the story of a small armchair that looks like a flower , come un origami composito, la sedia progettata da Cristian Gori, unisce una forma morbida – schienale e braccioli che sembrano nati dall’impronta avvolgente di tre morbidi petali – con la geometrica varietà delle strutture di sostegno.
"like a precious origami", in the art of origami, the apparently humble and fragile material that is paper is shaped into forms that aspire to permanence. Inspiration, skill and time are the necessary ingredients to create a new model, translating an initial idea into the likeness of an object, a representation of its essence
Available modelsSeat in polypropylene reinforced with fiber glass 4 legs in tubolar steel.
Paper - 4 legs with round tubular steelwidth 59 cmdepth 55 cmarmrest height 69 cmtotal height 78 cmseat height 45 cm
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